Unlock Your Abundance

11/12/2011 22:19

I would expect your your reaction to this title would be... 'How? Just tell me how to unlock the door to my abundance and I'll do it.'
Well, its not a secret and never has been. You may say you have tried everything but nothing has Apple 9L0-062 practice testchanged, still no abundance and the debts are piling up. Well you have already learned something of value! Trying hard is obviously not the answer here.
The answers have been given to us over and over again and are still being given to us in many forms and many ways. The answer itself is simple, very simple but not easy to put into practice because of our programming beginning in early childhood.
But for the moment let's take a look at some of the answers we have been given over the years. I love the older writings and teachings often to be found in second hand bookshops and in religious books including the Bible. We should all have got the message by now, so why haven't we?
In their book ASK AND IT IS GIVEN by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Abraham says:
'There is an unlimited Stream of Well-Being and an abundance of all manner of things available to you at all times - but you must be in alignment with the receiving of those things. You cannot stand in resistance of them and receive them at the same time.'
Shakespeare said: 'All things are ready if our minds be so.'
' There's an Infinite Intelligence operating in your subconscious mind that responds to your conscious mind's thinking and imagining. When you turn your request over to your subconscious mind, you should do so with the absolute conviction that it Apple 9L0-062 practice testhas the know how of accomplishment and that it will respond to you according to the nature of your request.'
Are you beginning to get the message here?
I once read about a man living in poverty and eating from the soup kitchen for the destitute. On his death it was discovered that, although he lived in a state of poverty in rented rooms, over the years he had put all his money into a bank account and had amassed a very comfortable sum. He could have had a much better quality of life, eating well and enjoying his money, but he chose to deprive himself of the most basic creature comforts and stockpile his money. Why did he do that? It doesn't make any sense.
He did it for the very same reasons you have problems accessing your abundance. As Shakespeare pointed out his mind was not ready. He was afraid, he feared not having enough. He did not trust the flow of abundance and doubted it would continue.
We ask for abundance and then we go into a panic about how we are going to make it happen. Ask and it is given says Abraham but we need to learn to allow.
This is how to allow;
You have asked, now believe and trust the outcome.
Your job is not to make it happen but to follow through with any ideas that come your way and do your best in your every day actions.
But most of all the most valuable action you couldST0-134 take is to learn to be happy. Enjoy the little things you already have and the big things will be drawn to you. You already have the abundance magnet now learn how to use it, get your negative self out of the way and watch it flow into your life.

